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Views: 4 Brand: Ideal
Product Code: WD-CH0013
Availability: In Stock
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  • Refill spotter for vegetable stains
  • Treat tea, coffee and grass
  • Remove perfume, wine and cola
  • For effective pre-spotting or after-spotting of tannin and vegetable stains such as tea, coffee, grass, tobacco, fruit-juice, perfume, wine, cola, medicines and unidentifiable yellow-brown stains.

Quantity: 5 Litre

DESCRIPTION: For effective pre – spotting and after – spotting of tannin and vegetable stains such as tea, coffee,grass, tobacco, fruit juice, perfume,wine, cola,medicines and unidentifiable.

APPEARANCE: Colourless to pale straw coloured liquid.

SG@20ºC: 1.045 + 0.01

APPLICATION: For pre-spotting and/or after spotting of:-Tannin and vegetable type stains such as tea,coffee, grass, tobacco, fruit juices, perfumes,wine, cola’s, medicines and unidentifiable yellow/brown stains.

It is recommended that seam tests are carried out
before spotting.
Carpets, Clothes, Upholstery and Non Washables.
1. Blot wet stain with paper towel if possible.
2. Spray stain with Stain Remover and wait for 1
3. Gently work into the stain and use a brush if
4. Blot with paper towel and repeat if necessary.
5. With Carpets and non-washables use a hair
dryer on medium heat to dry.
6. Launder or clean as per the manufacturers
Washable Fabrics.
1. Spray stain with stain remover and wait for 1
2. Work into the stain.
3. Rinse the stain remover out of the fabric with
warm water.
4. Launder as per the manufacturers instructions.
Hard Surfaces.
1. Spray stain with stain remover.
2. Allow to remain on stain for at least 1 minute.
3. Wipe off with a paper towel or rinse off. If
stain is persistent then repeat.

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