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Views: 70 Brand: Golden Globe
Product Code: DUOMAX WIPES 500
Availability: In Stock
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The combination of the Duo Max solution impregnated into a non \voven poly cotton cloth produces one of the safest, fastest and most efficient \vays to apply this disinfecting agent to all types of surfaces. 
It can be used on all surfaces 1n a hospital to all surfaces in the home, and everywhere in between. 
Being alcohol free, the wipes do not dry out quickly and leave a fighting residual barrier on the 
surfaces where it is used. The wipes, ,,vhilst in use do not give the effect to hands normally associated with alcohol and chlorine based products. 
  1. Safe to use on all surfaces 
  2. Re-scalable pack keeps the wipes fresh 
  3. Alcohol free so they don't dry out 
  4. Can be used on surfaces to kill off the invisible bacteria. viruses, fungi's and spores
  5. Safe and effective to use on medical and industrial instruments 
  6. Achieves a 99.9999% kill rate against bacteria 
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